Home » 13 Year Old Assignments » Unit 2- Video Production

Unit 2- Video Production


During this unit we will be working on creating different styles of videos.  Our first mini-project will be to create a movie trailer.

Assignment 1

For this project we will be creating a movie trailer.  A movie trailer is a short 1.5 – 3 minute advertisement that tries to “sell” a movie.  Here is a really good example of 3 well done trailers.  We will watch each one and then discus what makes them great trailers.

Now let’s look at a bad trailer from the 1970’s

We will revisit the Design Cycle to create our trailers

Your first task is to come up with an idea for your trailer.  Decide what genre of film it will be, and create a simple script.

Trailer Guidelines –

  1. Needs to be 1.5 – 3 minutes long
  2. Needs to be PG rated – appropriate for everyone.
  3. I must approve your storyboards and script before you begin filming.
  4. Have fun with this!

Part 2 – Create a Story Board

Story boarding is designing each one of the shots you will need to take.  Here is an example from Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace


You will need to complete this before we move onto the next step.  You can either complete the story boards by hand or use a digital resource.  Here is a link to a site called http://www.storyboardthat.com/ that will allow you create a digital story board.  Or you can use paper and pencil to create it.


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