Robot Design

Following our research on Robotics, we will begin to look at the Design Cycle.

We will follow the steps of the cycle to design, and create our own robots.1designCycle-en

Today’s Class will be spent going over the design cycle, and we will focus on the first step : INVESTIGATE

As you begin to think about your robot ask yourself these questions

  1. What is a problem I can solve?
  2. What is a need that I can fulfill?
  3. What is the big picture?
  4. What is the purpose?

Once you have answered these questions, write a Design Brief (a general statement of you are going to make, why are you going to make it and who is it for.)

Once this is done, create a new page on your blog under technology, upload your design brief there.

Step 2


The Design Specification is the most crucial element of the Investigate phase of the Design Cycle.
A good Design Specification should include information that you learned about the task/problem from your research.
It is a list of requirements that your design ideas must meet plus a list of constraints that you have. It is the check list that you need to use when you start to make your design ideas.

After your research you can develop a Design Specification. This will tell you:

  1. The Audience- Who you are designing for (who will see/buy the product)
  2. Objective – What the successful design must do: This is a description of what the solution will accomplish. It could indicate how well the solution is expected to work or under what conditions it will work
  3. Production –
    • What it should look like (Size/colours/etc)
    • What it should be made from
    • Tools needed to make the product
    • Time needed to complete the product
  4. Usage – How it will be used?

Once you have created your design specification, post it on your blog by the end of the day on March 5.

Next Step

Now that you have completed your design brief and design specification, you will work on designing your robot.  Using Google Sketch Up you can create a 3D model of your robot to share with the class on your learning log, and your final presentation.

Final Presentation

For the final presentation you will create a multimedia presentation covering each step of your design project.

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Design
  3. Model
  4. Build

For this part of the assignment, you will work in your groups and share what you have learned during the design process.  You will need to create a minimum of one slide for the 4 parts listed above.

If you have any questions please ask!

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